The children welcomed us with the brightest smiles and the warmest of hugs. This, the excitement when we arrived at Siluncedo Daycare in Imizamo Yethu, our sixth Act of Community Service, giving Chai.
Thanks to generous donations of sound toys and books we were able to contribute to the educational resources needed for early learning childhood development. Literacy, the marriage between sound and vision.
We spoke about hearing health and ear care with the children, through translation by the principal, Thandeka. It is here where we also identified, thanks to the observations of the teachers and the information shared about hearing during our talk, that one of the children need to have a hearing test done.
We also realised that support is needed with maintenance and repairs at the school and this is part of an ongoing outreach facilitated by the NB Hearing team, and we thank those who have since contributed towards this.
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Yesterday we visited Siluncedo Daycare in Imizamo Yethu where we handed over the toys and books collected over the…
Posted by NB Hearing on Friday, 31 January 2020