Ever feel like the room is spinning, but you haven’t moved a muscle? Or maybe it feels like you’re walking on a boat in choppy waters, even though you’re firmly on dry land.
These dizzy spells are more common than you might think. They often stem from vestibular disorders, issues within your inner ear’s delicate balance system that helps you stay upright and steady. But no need to panic, our audiologists are here to help you maintain equilibrium, no matter the season or weather changes.
What’s Causing the Spin Cycle?
The inner ear is a tiny but mighty organ, responsible for more than just hearing. It also houses the vestibular system, which controls balance and spatial orientation. When something goes wrong in this system, it can result in dizziness, vertigo, and even falls.
Vestibular disorders come in many forms, from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), where small particles in the ear’s canals get dislodged, to Meniere’s disease, which causes pressure changes in the ear. Other conditions, like vestibular neuritis, can lead to inflammation that disrupts the brain’s ability to receive accurate balance signals. These disorders can leave you feeling dizzy, disoriented, or off-balance, impacting your daily activities and overall sense of well-being.
When the Seasons Change, So Can Your Balance
Interestingly, vestibular disorders can be exacerbated by seasonal factors. For instance, allergies and sinus issues during spring can affect the inner ear, while cold weather in winter can cause ear infections or fluid buildup that throws off your balance.
This seasonal flux means you might experience more dizzy spells or disorientation during certain times of the year.
How Audiologists Help Restore Your Balance
Audiologists are trained in more than just hearing, they’re trained to identify, diagnose, and treat vestibular disorders that can affect your balance. Here’s how we can help:
- Comprehensive Testing
Your audiologist will perform various tests to pinpoint the source of your dizziness. These may include balance assessments, hearing tests, and specific vestibular evaluations like videonystagmography (VNG) to assess how your inner ear and eyes work together to maintain equilibrium.
- Personalised Treatment Plans
Once the cause is identified, your audiologist will put together a treatment plan to meet your needs. This may involve vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT), which includes exercises designed to retrain your brain to manage balance more effectively. Other treatments may involve repositioning maneuvers to address issues like BPPV or medical referrals for conditions like Meniere’s disease.
- Hearing Aids with Balance Support
For those with hearing loss and vestibular disorders, modern hearing aids can do more than just amplify sound. They can improve spatial awareness, helping you regain balance by providing clear audio cues.
Balance Care Is Self-Care
Living with vestibular issues can feel isolating, especially when dizziness and vertigo make it hard to enjoy the activities you love. But with the right support, you can reclaim your sense of balance and get back to feeling like yourself. Regular check-ins with your audiologist can help you stay on top of any changes in your balance and hearing health, ensuring that you’re equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.
Regain Your Balance Today!
If you’ve been feeling unsteady, don’t wait for the next dizzy spell to throw you off. Reach out to our team and schedule a consultation. Together, we’ll work toward restoring your equilibrium and improving your quality of life.