By Hanneke Rabe
Every year is going by faster and faster. Time, our most precious commodity slips out of our grasp faster than you can say “one alligator”. Holiday plans are made, families will get together, stress levels will go up, roads will get busier and we reflect:
What did I spend my time on this year, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes?
Did I spend it fostering the relationships around me?
Did I spend my time being present in the moment or was I merely occupying space?
Was I able to do all the things I wanted to do?
Did I take care of my body, mind and well-being?
Personally, I take this time of year to do some serious stock taking: What aspects do I need to address to live my best life?
Understanding how hearing loss can impact on personal relationships and our ability to be present in “the moment”, I realize how stressful the festive season can be for our patients and for the many individuals who have yet to take the first step in addressing their hearing problem. Not being able to engage fully is absolutely tragic, and it can cause you to feel alone even while surrounded by your closest friends and family.
Thankfully, there is still time to make the last moments of this year really count. If you have been sitting in far too many conversations staring out of the window and laughing at punchlines you didn’t quite catch, take the first step towards being fully present in the “hear” and now.
Make an appointment, find us here, and let us guide you through it.
Make every second count!