When I applied to become an audiologist, I wrote on my biographical questionnaire that I’d love to work in a private practice that had a heart- one that could see a pro bono case, because people need you to care about them.

This month, I was able to show that I had a heart (although I may have lost it almost immediately) to Little Kai, who is a six year old with big dimples and dancing eyes….and hearing loss in both ears. His previous team at Carel Du Toit (www.careldutoit.co.za/) have shown through trial, that he benefits significantly from a small amount of amplification and assistance through directional microphones, to help him focus in class and to learn and play more effectively.

But through circumstances and the roll of the dice, his Mom Chevone was faced with a mountain to climb to raise the funds that would make a purchase of even second-hand hearing aids possible. However, sometimes life turns in just the right way, and often through a series of connected events. The connections I’d like to thank are: Dan Schwartz (@Hi_Dan); Lara Benigson (www.betterbalanceandhearing.co.za); and Surida Booysen (@cdtaudiologist).

Once I had seen Little Kai- I just knew I had to help. But I couldn’t do this alone. So now I want to thank the AWESOME TEAM at WIDEX SOUTH AFRICA (@Widex) and (www.widex.co.za) for the donation of JUST THE PERFECT PAIR of BRAND NEW digital hearing aids for our little guy, complete with full 2 year warranty and all the accessories required.

We fitted them today. It was brilliant.

When a child grabs your heart with his ears
When a child grabs your heart with his ears
When a child grabs your heart with his ears3